Tuesday, October 28, 2014

시티필드는 담장을 앞으로 당길 예정

뉴욕 포스트의 조엘 셔먼이 쓴 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.


시티필드의 담장은 앞으로 당겨지지만, 데이빗 라이트와 메츠는 큰 구장을 홈으로 쓰면서도 대단한 장타력없이 성공가도를 달리고 있는 자이언츠와 로열스를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 사진: 게티이미지

메츠는 시티필드의 가장 깊은 곳의 담장을 우측 외야의 Mo's Zone과 비슷한 수준까지 홈플레이트쪽으로 앞당길 예정이다. 메츠의 관계자들이 공식적으로 이 것과 관련해 얘기하는 것을 피하고는 있지만, 11월말쯤 이 새로운 모습에 대해 발표하는 자리가 있을 예정이다.

하지만 그 전에, 뭔가 주목할 것이 있다. 월드시리즈에 나간 두 팀은 굉장히 큰 홈구장을 쓰고 있다는 점이다. 홈구장에서의 스탯과 원정구장에서의 스탯을 비교하는 파크팩터에 따르면, 샌프란시스코의 AT&T 파크는 홈런을 치기 가장 어려운 구장으로 매해 손꼽히고 있다. 캔자스 시티의 카우프먼 스타디움은 메이저리그 구장중에 가장 넓은 외야를 자랑하는데, 올해 로얄스는 그에 걸맞게 MLB 최소인 95개의 (홈경기에서는 43개) 홈런을 쳤다. 자이언츠는 132개로 중위권에 위치했지만, 홈경기의 53개는 담장을 앞당기기 전 시티필드에서 뛴 메츠보다 여섯 개 적은 NL 최소이다.

로얄스는 인조잔디를 천연잔디로 교체하는 과정에서 담장을 앞당긴 적이 한 번 있다. 하지만 자이언츠는, 그들의 광활한 필드에 애착을 갖고 있다. 그들은 한 번도 담장을 움직인 적이 없는데, 사장 래리 바에르는 그 이유에 대해 "고쳐야할 게 없다"고 얘기한다.

사실 그렇다. 그들은 최근 5년동안 세 번째의 우승에 도전하고 있는데, 이는 구장의 넓이나 생김새보다 선수들의 능력이 더 중요함을 보여주고 있다. 바에르는 자이언츠 타자들이 그들의 잘맞은 타구가 421피트의 우중간에서 아웃이 되어버릴 때 불평을 한다고 얘기했다. 하지만 그 우중간은 3루타가 무수히 생산되는 곳이며 헷갈리는 외야의 형태는 그에 익숙한 자이언츠 선수들에게 어드밴티지를 주고 있다.

메츠는 홈런을 더 잘 나오게 하는 것이 커티스 그랜더슨이나 데이빗 라이트같은 타자들에게 도움이 될 것이라고 생각한다. 하지만 원정 선수들인 애덤 라로쉬, 브라이스 하퍼나 트로이 툴로위츠키도 시티필드의 사이즈에 영향을 받는다. 메츠 타자들에게 이득을 주려는 일련의 움직임들때문에, 메츠 투수들이 더 크게 피해보고 있지는 않을까?

메츠는 그렇게 생각하지 않는 것 같다. 그들은 삼진과 땅볼유도에 의존하는 선발투수들을 - 예를 들어 맷 하비와 잭 윌러 - 중점적으로 키울 계획이다. 그 말은 이번 겨울 메츠가 누구를 트레이드 할 것인지에 대한 힌트를 줄 수도 있다. 플라이볼 투수인 바톨로 콜론, 딜런 지, 그리고 올시즌 잠깐 메이저리그에서 모습을 비췄을 때 플라이볼을 다수 허용했던 라파엘 몬테로가 그들이다.

하지만 궁금한 것은, 이런 움직임이 승리를 위해서인가, 돈을 위해서인가? 메츠가 가장 비싼 두 선수인 라이트와 그랜더슨에게 뭔가를 더 얻어내기 위해 그러는가? 관객들을 시티필드로 더 불러오게 할 화끈한 롱볼 야구를 추구하려고 하는가?

그렇다면, 우리는 시티필드의 담장이 단장 샌디 앨더슨의 첫 해가 끝난 2011년 이미 한 번 앞당겨진 적이 있음을 기억해야한다. 그 후 3년간, 메츠는 홈구장에서 109승 134패를 기록했는데, 이는 메이저리그 전체에서 뒤에서 3등이며 NL에서는 꼴찌다. 다시 얘기하자면, 구장의 사이즈가 관건인가, 선수들의 능력이 관건인가, 아니면 페이롤의 크기가 관건인가? 메츠가 이기기 시작한다면, 홈런을 많이 치든 그렇지 못하든 시티필드는 꽉 찰 것이라고 예상할 수 있다.

또 하나, 타격철학이 문제인가? 앨더슨은 언제나 공을 오래 보고 멀리 보내는 타선을 짜왔고, 삼진수가 늘게 된다면, 어쩔 수 없는 것이라고 여겨왔다.  하지만 지난 25년간 지금이 가장 홈런치기 어려운 때 - 특히 시티필드에서 - 라면 어떻게 해야할까? 지금껏 앨더슨의 생각은 더 드문 것이 더 귀중하다는 것이었고, 따라서 홈런을 치는 것이 더 소중하다는 것이다. 자이언츠 타격코치 헨슬리 뮬렌스는 얘기한다: "저희 홈구장은 홈런이 잘 나오는 구장이 아닙니다. 따라서 왜 큰 것을 노리고 스윙해야하죠? 우리는 이 구장을 전략적으로 사용해야해요. 삼진 먹는 것은 도움이 안 됩니다." 자이언츠는 라인드라이브 스윙과 주루에 신경을 많이 썼고, 생각하는 수비와 펜스를 멀리 냅둠으로써 투수들에게 도움을 주었다. 그들은 5년동안 세 번의 우승을 하려고 한다.

메츠는 무엇을 배워야할까?

케인은 이번엔 팀에 보탬이 될 수 없다

자이언츠가 월드시리즈를 재패했던 지난 2012년, 맷 케인은 디트로이트를 상대로 월드시리즈의 마침표를 찍는 4차전의 승리투수이자 자이언츠의 에이스였다. 2010년과 2012년 두 번 우승을 차지하는 동안, 케인은 8번 선발등판해 2.10의 평균자책점을 기록했다. 하지만 올해 그는 부진했고 (2승 7패 4.18 평균자책점) 올스타 브레이크 직전에 시즌을 마감하고 우측 팔꿈치의 뼛조각을 제거하기 위해 수술대에 올랐다.

그는 플레이오프에 등판하지 못하는 것에 대해 "시즌 말미에 부상을 입었으면 더욱 견디기 힘들었을 겁니다. 하지만 익숙해질 시간이 충분히 있었죠."라고 대답했다.

케인은  12월중으로 마운드에 올라가 투구를 하기 시작할 예정이며 스프링트레이닝때는 완벽히 준비된 상태로 돌아올 것이라고 전망했다. 올시즌 자이언츠가 보여주는 포스트시즌에서의 선전이 더 놀라운 이유는 페이롤상에서 1위 (케인,) 6위 (앙헬 페간,) 7위 (마르코 스쿠타로)로 많은 금액을 받는 선수들이 없이 거둔 성적이기 때문이다. 게다가 2위 린스컴은 선발로테이션에서 쫓겨나 월드시리즈 전까지 플레이오프 경기에 등판하지 못했다.

벨트란은 로얄스의 타겟이었다

로얄스는 양키스와의 FA경쟁에서 한 번은 - 오마 인판테 - 이겼지만, 다른 한 번은 - 카를로스 벨트란 - 지고 말았다. 캔자스시티는 벨트란을 이상적인 영입이라고 여겼었다. 로얄스는 우익수가 필요했고, 승리에 익숙한 베테랑의 존재가 그들의 젊은 선수진에게 도움이 될 것이라고 생각했다. 게다가, 로얄스는 팬들중의 상당수가 프랜차이즈 스타인 벨트란, 조니 데이먼과 저메인 다이같은 선수들이 트레이드 되었을 때 느꼈던 상실감을 이해하고 있었다. 그들중 하나를 팀이 최고조에 올랐을 때 다시 데려온다는 것은 로얄스가 팬들에게 해줄 수 있는 큰 선물이 분명했다.

사실 캔자스시티는 양키스의 3년 45밀 오퍼보다 더 큰 금액을 오퍼했으며, 4년째의 옵션도 포함한 제안이었다. 하지만 벨트란은 양키스에서 뛰게 되는 날을 오랫동안 기다려왔고, 미디어에 관심을 받으며 좁은 우익수 자리에서 홈경기를 치르는 것이 그의 명예의 전당 입성에 도움이 될 것이라고도 생각했을 것이다.

로얄스는 벨트란 없이 AL 우승도 차지했고 팬들의 성원도 얻었다. 하지만, 그들은 다시 우익수를 찾으러 올겨울 FA 마켓의 문을 두드릴 것이다. 그렇다고 해도, 벨트란의 올시즌 모습과 부상으로 볼 때 로얄스가 양키스로부터 벨트란을 문의할 일은 없을 것이다.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Jung-ho Kang in game 1 of the Playoff

Like MLB, KBO is playing postseason right now as well. Four teams (out of 9 teams) advance to postseason, and the second place team plays best-of-five series called "Playoff" with the winner of best-of-three series between the third and the fourth place teams, and the winner of the Playoff plays the first place team in the best-of-seven Korean Series. I don't usually get to watch a lot of KBO games mainly because the time difference, but today I watched the first game of the best-of-five series between Nexen Heroes (2nd) and LG Twins (4th.) Nexen Heroes' shortshop is Jung-ho Kang, who is likely to be posted this winter. I am going to write about how he did today.

Rest In Peace, Oscar Taveras.

Mike Matheny Statement on Oscar Taveras
오스카 타베라스에게, 마이크 매써니가.

I was asked last night to give some words regarding the tragic death of Oscar Taveras, but I just simply couldn't.
어젯밤, 오스카 타베라스의 불행한 사고와 관련해 몇 마디 해달라고 부탁받았었는데요, 도저히 그럴 수가 없었습니다.

First of all, it felt like a bad dream that could not be real, and when reality kicked in, my words didn't even seem to make sense. To say this is a horrible loss of a life ended too soon would be an understatement. To talk about the potential of his abilities seemed to be untimely. All I wanted to do was get the guys together and be with our baseball family. I know the hurt that comes along with buying into the brotherhood of a baseball team. That hurt is just as powerful as the joys that come with this life. Not to say it is even close to the depth of pain his true family is going through, but the pain itself is just as real. The ache is deep because the relationships were deep, and forged through time and trials.
처음에는 절대 현실일 리 없는 악몽처럼 느껴졌고, 현실임을 실감하게 되었을 때, 저는 말도 안 되는 소리만 늘어놓을 수 밖에 없었습니다. 너무 일찍 끝나버린 삶의 비극적인 사고라는 말로는 부족한 설명일 것입니다. 그가 가진 능력의 포텐셜에 대해 논하는 것은 지금 적절하지 않아 보이고요. 제가 하고 싶었던 것은 선수들을 하나로 모아 구단 식구들과 함께 있는 것이었습니다. 야구 팀의 형제애를 함께 하는 것에는 아픔도 함께 있을 수 밖에 없다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 삶의 기쁜 순간만큼, 아픔도 강렬합니다. 가족분들이 겪고 계신 고통의 깊이와는 비할 수가 없겠지만, 그 고통은 저희에게도 똑같이 생생합니다. 오랜 시간과 여러 일들을 함께 겪은 관계들이 깊었던만큼 아픔도 깊게 다가옵니다.

To the many fans who have already reached out with condolences, and to the many more who are in mourning, thank you for taking these players in, like they are one of your own. This level of care is what sets our fans apart.
조의를 표해주신 많은 팬분들과, 슬픔에 잠겨 계신 더 많은분들께, 선수들을 자신과 같이 아껴주셔서 감사하다는 말을 드리고 싶습니다. 이런 팬들의 마음이 저희 카디널스 팬들을 잘 나타낸다고 생각합니다.

In my opinion, the word "love" is the most misused, and misunderstood word in the English language. It is not popular for men to use this word, and even less popular for athletes. But, there is not a more accurate word for how a group of men share a deep and genuine concern for each other. We loved Oscar, and he loved us. That is what a team does, that is what a family does. You will be missed, Oscar
제 개인적인 생각으로는, "사랑"이라는 단어가 가장 잘못 쓰여지고 잘못 이해되기 쉬운 단어라고 생각합니다. 남자들은 이 단어를 잘 쓰지 않는데요, 특히 운동선수들은 더 그렇습니다. 하지만, 이 팀이 진심을 담아 깊게 서로를 아끼는 모습에는, 그만한 단어도 없을 것입니다. 우리는 오스카를 사랑했고, 오스카도 우리를 사랑했습니다. 그게 바로 팀이고, 가족입니다. 오스카, 네가 참 그리울거야.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

AT&T Park

The Royals and the Giants are playing game 5 of the World Series today, and it is going to be the last game at the AT&T Park this year. I traveled to San Francisco in the summer of 2009 with my brother, and was able to catch a game there. Tim Lincecum (when he was freakish good) pitched but the Giants could not keep the lead and lost to the Reds. The AT&T Park was so beautiful, just like what people say.

This January, After spending some time in Denver, CO and Seattle, WA, I went to San Francisco (to Oakland to be exact) for a week and was able to revisit the AT&T Park.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

빌리언 달러 빌리 빈

예전에 엠엘비네이션이라는 사이트에 번역해서 올렸던 벤자민 모리스의 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳에 가시면 읽으실 수 있습니다.

빌리언 달러 빌리 빈

영화 "머니볼"은 많은 야구시스템이 승리가 어디에서 오는지에 대해 무지하고, 어떻게 재능의 가치를 올바르게 매길 수 있는지에 대해 생각이 없는지 표현하고 있다.

예를 들어 존 헨리 - 레드삭스의 억만장자 구단주 - 가 오클랜드 A's의 단장 빌리 빈을 고용하려고 하려는 장면을 보자. 빌리 빈에게 헨리는, 빌리 빈의 리빌딩 방법을 따르지 않는 감독을 "공룡"이라 말하면서 그에게 종이 한 장을 건넨다. 그 종이 위엔 12.5밀리언 달러의 엄청난 금액에 5년동안 레드삭스 단장직을 제안하는 파격적인 오퍼가 써 있다. 영화에서는 그 오퍼가 빌리 빈을 "스포츠계에서 역대 최고의 연봉을 받는 단장" 대우라고 설명한다. 매혹적인 제안이긴 하지만, 빌리 빈은 결국 그 제안을 거절하는데, '난 내 삶에서 돈을 따라 단 한 번의 결정을 내렸는데, 다시는 그러지 않기로 결심했다"라고 그 이유를 밝혔다.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Continuing Education Preview Event

I registered for an event at NYU tomorrow (today actually.) It's a preview of two classes which will be taught in January. I've been always interested in taking classes even after I was done with school (BU's sabermetrics class was so much fun.) Maybe I'll take one of these (or both) if they aren't too expensive.

Pinstripe Empire: A History of Baseball's Most Successful Franchise

From Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, and Mantle to Munson, Jackson, Mattingly, and Jeter, no team has had such a great impact on American cultural history as the New York Yankees have. Established over a century ago, this Bronx team has had a love/hate relationship with its fans. Yet it has touched New York's social, cultural, economic, and sports history with dazzling accomplishments, great stars, and big dollars. Examine the backstage factors that led to the successes, errors, and missteps along the way–and the emotional connection that fans have developed with the team. Emphasis is placed on the "brand." The book Pinstripe Empire by Marty Appel, which is considered the definitive history of the team, forms the basis of the course.

Marvin Miller, 20th Century Trade Unionism and Development of the MLBPA

Taught by Bob Tufts, former Major League Baseball pitcher and NYU School of Professional Studies Tisch Institute for Sports Management, Media, and Business adjunct faculty member, this interdisciplinary course covers law, labor, history, economics, management, American studies, and sports and examines how they relate to the origin and growth of the Major League Baseball Players Association. Study how Marvin Miller, the first executive director of the MLBPA (and an NYU graduate with a degree in economics), became a highly successful negotiator, manager, and union leader. Examine Miller's upbringing, as well as germane social and cultural issues of the 20th century, the American labor movement, federal and state labor law, and relevant court decisions. Attention is paid to key moments in MLBPA history—early and failed attempts to unionize, Miller's selection as executive director, collective bargaining, arbitration, court decisions, strikes and lockouts, free agency, drug testing and collusion—and the business and labor ramifications of these issues.

I'm a huge Yankee fan, but the latter sounds a bit more interesting. I'll add few more lines later tonight about the event.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Expected number of games in the World Series

Sadly the MLB season is almost over, but the NBA '14 - '15 season starts on the 28th (if the World Series goes to game 7, it will be on the 29th,) I was talking to my friends about the perfect transition from baseball seasons to basketball seasons and whether there will be game 7 and I became curious.

It is actually not too hard to calculate, assuming both teams have the same probability of winning.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

왜 로벗슨이 2015년 양키스의 마무리가 되어야하는가

YES Network의 Lou DiPietro의 글입니다. 제 개인적으로도 로벗슨을 잡았으면 좋겠습니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

수준급 불펜투수의 뎁쓰가 어느 때보다 중요한 지금, 로벗슨은 내년에도 핀스트라이프를 입어야한다. AP

왜 양키스가 FA가 된 로벗슨을 잡지 않고 2015년과 그 후의 마무리 자리를 베탄시스에게 넘겨줘야하는지에 대해 덕 윌리엄스가 쓴 글도 일리가 있고, 지금 상황을 본다면 그 도박은 누구도 비난할 수 없는 해볼만한 도박일 것이다.

하지만 나는 반대편의 입장에서 양키스가 로벗슨을 왜 재계약하는지에 대해서 이야기하려고 하며, 그것은 간단한 이유 하나로 귀결된다: 보직의 전문화가 중요한 시대에, 그는 양키스 불펜 퍼즐의 가장 중요한 조각이며, 질과 양 모두 중요한 시스템에 핵심역할을 맡고 있다.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

사바씨아와 에이로드의 공통점

뉴욕포스트의 댄 마틴이 쓴 글입니다. 예전같은 모습은 보여주지 못하겠지만 2015년 건강한 모습 보여주면 좋겠습니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

2012년 공수교대중인 CC 사바씨아와 알렉스 로드리게스.
사진: Charles Wenzelberg

CC 사바씨아는 무릎수술에서 회복하는 중인 그가 "거의 백프로로 돌아왔다"고 얘기하지만, 알렉스 로드리게스를 포함한 팀의 몇몇 고액연봉자들처럼, 그가 앞으로 팀에 어떤 성적을 기록하게 될지는 장담할 수 없다.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Yankees games in 2015 at stadiums I've never been to

Since the Royals and the Giants were too good, they finished their Championship Series in 4 and in 5, respectively, and it's been four days without baseball already in the middle of postseason. While I was being bored, the Yankees announced 2015 spring training schedule. That will be an exciting experience and I'm sure Tampa Bay would have great weather, but then I also realized I haven't been to the Tropicana Field yet. I became curious if Tampa Bay had an opening series at home so that I don't have to stay in Tampa for too long to catch both games at Steinbrenner Field and at Tropicana Field and.. Yes, they did! The Rays are playing against the O's in April the 6th. Maybe I'll be at Tampa next April.

I also searched for other stadiums and when would be the best time to visit them. I might not get to visit any of them next year, but it won't hurt to take an early look, right? The below are the dates of away games of the Yankees in the 7 stadiums where I did not get to watch a game yet (I walked by the Coors Field (and went into a gift shop) when I went to Denver to snowboard, but we all know that doesn't count.)

Tropicana Field (Tampa, FL)
Apr 17 - 19, May 11 - 14, Sept 14 - 16

Progressive Field (Cleveland, OH)
Aug 11 - 13

Globe Life Park (Arlington, TX)
July 27 - 30

Miller Park (Milwaukee, WI)
No Yankees games

Marlins Park (Miami, FL)
June 15, 16

Coors Field (Denver, CO)
No Yankees games

Kauffman Stadium (Kansas City, MO)
May 15 - 17

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Little League World Series

This summer, I got a chance to visit Willamsport, PA, where the Little League World Series takes place every year. I honestly hasn't paid much attention to LLWS except when Danny Almonte from Bronx was dominating and became a big deal among the Yankee fans (he was revealed later that he was actually too old to play.) But this year I decided to go because a Korean team was in it (first time since 1985) and I was only a two hour drive away from it. And it was much better than I thought. Kids were playing hard (and well,) many people came and were cheerful, and the Korean team won! Instead of sharing pictures of my 21st stadium (which will be the Target Field,) I decided to share pictures from Williamsport.

A map of the site. The game was played at the Lamade Stadium.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

[to edit] Strikeout looking from various ball counts

This summer I was a videoscout at Baseball Info Solutions. While watching (many) games, I came across some questions and wrote them down. I'll try to answer each of them when I get a chance to.

Would the ratio of K looking from 3-2 count be different from other two strike counts? I think batters may be tempted to take close pitches to draw walks.

Baseballsavant.com has a great tool you can play with PITCHf/x data. I first searched for the number of strikeouts in 2014. There were 37409 of them. Among those, 9194 of them were looking.

1648 4042 .2896
9193 28213
7545 24171 .237

(I found an error in the data and tweeted to Mr. Daren Willman, and he said he'll take a look.)

Friday, October 17, 2014

숫자로 보는 양키스 2014시즌의 나빴던 점, 좋았던 점

YES Network의 Lou DiPietro의 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

By the Numbers: The statistical downside of the 2014 Yankees

뉴욕양키스의 2014시즌은 수수께끼와도 같았다. 하나의 예를 들자면, 2013년의 85승보다 한 경기 적은 84승을 올리는데에 그쳤지만, 반면 마지막 와일드카드와 4경기 차로 시즌을 마무리하면서 작년보다 플레이오프 진출의 마지노선에 오히려 2경기 가까운 (정확히 얘기하자면 작년의 163번째 경기때문에 2경기 반 가까운) 한 해를 보냈다.

다음 두 주 동안, 이 자리를 빌려 양키스의 올 한 해를 되돌아보는 시간을 가질 예정이며, By the Numbers는 먼저 양키스를 2년 연속으로 포스트시즌 진출에 실패하게 한. 잘못된 스탯부터 알아보겠다.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

[미완성] 트레버 바우어가 "진짜 구속"을 사용하는 법

며칠 전에 제 친구가 쓴 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

멍때리고 있는게 아닙니다. 골똘히 생각중인 클리블랜드의 투수입니다. 사진: Jason Miller

EV이론에 따른 피칭을 하는 것으로 가장 널리 알려진 투수, 그의 볼배합을 EV이론의 눈으로 자세히 살펴봅시다.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Five Facts - Jacoby Ellsbury, Dellin Betances

Courtesy of YES Network (and Baseball-reference:)

1. Ellsbury is the only Red Sox player to be part of the 30-30 club.
He hit 32 HR and 39 SB in 2011 with the Red Sox. It was the only year he hit more than 10 HR other than this year (16 with the Yankees.) There were only 38 people who did this: For the Yankees, Bobby Bonds did it in 1975 (32 HR 30 SB,) Alfonso Soriano did it in 2002 (39 HR 41 SB) and in 2003 (38 HR 35SB.) The next closest Red Sox was Nomar Garciaparra in 1997 (30 HR 22 SB) and Carl Yastrzemski in 1970 (40 HR 23 SB.)

2. He is 1 of 3 rookies to collect 4 hits in a World Series game.
I think YES used 'rookie' as someone in his debut year, not someone with rookie status. For example, Donnie Bush did it in 1909 and he was still a rookie, but debuted in September 1908. The other two 'rookies' were Freddie Lindstrom (1924) and Joe Garagiola (1946.) There were 65 players in total who hit 4 or more hits in WS with Pablo Sandoval being the most recent one in 2012.

3. Ellsbury is the first American Indian of Navajo descent to reach the Majors.
Kyle Lohse (Nomlaki Wintun) and Joba Chamberlain (Winnebago) are other American Indians playing in MLB.

4. For Halloween, he once dressed as Johnny Damon.
Johnny Damon was CF of the Red Sox when Ellsbury signed with the team in 2005. They were never teammates in the Majors.

5. His favorite player growing up.. Ken Griffey, JR.
Not a surprise as Ellsbury was born and raised in Oregon, only few hours away from Seattle.

1. A 10-year old Betances was in the bleachers for this: David Wells' perfect game (1998.)
That's the year I went to my first Yankee game, too! (David Cone didn't pitch a perfect game that day, though)

2. Drafted 254th overall in the 2006 draft, 270 picks ahead of current Yankees closer David Robertson.
In 2006, the Royals selected Luke Hochevar with the first pick. Other notable names include: Evan Longoria (TB, 3,) Clayton Kershaw (LAD, 7,) Tim Lincecum (SF, 10,) Max Scherzer (ARI, 11.) The Yankees selected Chamberlain and Kennedy in the first round, Betances in the 8th, Melancon in the 9th, and Robertson in the 17th.

3. He wears 68 because he is 6' 8".
I didn't know this! Pretty cool thing to know. 6' 8" is pretty big. according to therichest.com, there are currently only 6 players in mlb who are 6' 8" or taller; Chris Martin (COL, 6' 8",) Doug Fister (WSH, 6' 8",) Logan Ondrusek (CIN, 6' 8",) Johnny Hellweg (MIL, 6' 9",) Chris Young (SEA, 6' 10",) and Betances. In MLB, there were notable players who wore #68 include Josh Reddick, Craig Gentry, Joe Saunders, Yan Gomes, and Dioner Navarro. Betances also wore #61 in 2013 with the Yankees and now Shane Greene is wearing it.

4. 2014 MLB All-Star, 1947 was the last time a Yankees rookie pitcher made the All-Star team.
He didn't get to pitch, though.

5. Set the single-season franchise record by a Yankees reliever in 2014 for the most strikeouts. 135.
From 1901, there were only 14 pitchers with 135 or more strikeouts with 0 game started. The former franchise record holder was Mariano Rivera who struck out 130 in 1996. Betances' 135K is especially impressive because it was done only in 90.0 IP. That is 13.5 K/9. I hope Betances does the same for the Yankees next year and for many more years.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

양키스 복귀가 타당해보이는 제이슨 지암비: 왜 지암비가 타격코치가 되어야하는가

YES Network에 오늘 올라온 Doug Williams의 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

로얄스와의 경기를 앞두고 배팅프랙티스에서 몸을 푸는 인디언스의 제이슨 지암비 (AP)

양키스는 지난 일요일 7년동안 팀의 타격코치를 맡던 케빈 롱을 해고하였다. 그의 해고를 불러온 타격진의 부진은 누적되어온 것이 아니긴 하다. 2014년이 특히 그랬을뿐이다. 양키스의 팀타율은 .245였고 633득점을 하면서 아메리칸리그에서 세번째로 적게 득점한 팀이 되었다. 롱이 리그 전체와 양키스 타자들에게 존중받는 코치긴 하지만, 지난 시즌 롱은 임무를 완수하지 못했다.

따라서, 그를 대체할 사람을 찾는 작업이 시작되었다.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Margin of victory

The Cardinals beat the Giants yesterday by the score of 5:4. Last time I took a look at the average run scored, and learned that teams score less runs in the postseason games. I also became curious about the difference of their scored runs in each game. I guess in the postseason there are more close games, especially with lower average of runs scored. Luckily, baseball reference has a nice tool to answer my question.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

PNC Park

Last week I wrote about the Busch Stadium, which was my 23rd MLB stadium (if I don't double count the old/new Yankee Stadium and the Citi Field/Shea Stadium.) I'll share pictures from other stadiums from time to time. My 22nd stadium was PNC Park, arguably the prettiest stadium. I registered for the career fair hosted by the Pirates and the Pirates gave me the ticket to the game.

On my way to the PNC Park. The yellow bridge is named after Roberto Clemente, a legendary player of the Pirates. He was not only a great player who recorded (exactly) 3000 hits, but also a great human being involved in many charity work. He passed away in a plane crash while delivering aid to earthquake victims.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


The Giants and the Cardinals are playing the NLCS from today. Game 1 is going to be broadcasted on FOX, but at the same time they decided to put it on Fox Sports 1 as well, to talk more about sabermetrics: More advanced statistics with better graphics, in-game analysis featuring famous columnist like Rob Neyer, and many more cool stuff.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Yankees re-signed Cashman

Some of my friends may know this already, but I became a Yankee fan from the moment I walked into the (old) Yankee Stadium in 1998. In other words, Brian Cashman has been my one and only General Manager. Today, I saw a tweet saying that the Yankees have re-signed Brian Cashman as the General Manager so I had to share this news. I'm so glad that the Yankees renewed his contract. I got a chance to meet him when I went to a Trenton Thunder game with my friend. He probably came to see Luis Severino and Jacob Lindgren, and sat in the same section as we did. In between each inning, many people walked up to him, said hi, took photo with him, and asked for autographs. I did, too (well, not the photo.) I told him that I've been a huge Yankee fan and it was my honor to meet him, and he said "it's nice to meet you, too, buddy," and we shook hands. It probably doesn't mean anything much to him, but to me, it was such an unforgettable memory.

Horsehide Trivia

Here's another one that I won!

Q. Since the onset of World War One, only one pitcher has thrice uncorked four or more wild pitches in a game. Can you guess who?

Hint: His enshrinement in Cooperstown helps to demonstrate that this is not his only claim to fame.

Hint: For example, he has won both the Lou Gehrig Award and the Roberto Clemente Award.

Twint: He was charismatic and accommodating at SABR 40.

Twint: One of his close boyhood friends was basketball Hall of Famer John Havlicek.

(>= 4 WP/G:  30-Jun-1969 [4], 14-Aug-1969 [4] & 04-Aug-1979 [6]; HOF 1997;  1979 Lou Gehrig Award, 1980 Roberto Clemente Award, SABR 40 was the 40th international convention of the Society of American Baseball Research, held in Atlanta 4-8 Aug-2010)

FCR - Geehoon Hong, Bayside, NY

Thursday, October 9, 2014

클러치 히팅에 대해선 다들 들어봤을거야. 클러치 피칭은?

Fox Sports에 지난주에 실린 Drew Fairservice의 글입니다. 원문은 이 곳에서 보실 수 있습니다.

통계를 분석하는 사람들은 클러치 히팅이라는 아이디어에 오랜기간 매료되어왔다. 때때로, 기억에 남을 만한 안타를 쳐낸 선수들은, 주자가 스코어링 포지션에 나가있는 상황, 투아웃, 혹은 경기후반에 경기를 뒤집을 수 있다는 이 눈에 보이지 않는 능력을 부여받아왔다. 실상은, 위대한 클러치 타자들은 단순히 좋은 타자들이며, 시간이 지나면 타자들은 상황에 관계없이 거의 같은 스탯을 기록한다.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How did Cy Young Award winners do in the postseason?

Dodgers' season is over. Kershaw looked better yesterday, but he gave up a three-run home run in the 7th inning which ended up being the winning run. It is not officially announced that Kershaw won this year's Cy Young Award, but I think it is safe to assume that he did; he is even in the discussion of winning the MVP. Well, despite the huge success in the regular season, he lost twice in the division series.

I was just curious how past Cy Young Award winners do in the postseason. Obviously a pitcher cannot win a game single-handedly, but at least I wanted to see how they performed. Click below for the stats.

1. Just for a note, David Cone won the Cy Young Award in 1994. He was the winning pitcher of my very first game at the Yankee Stadium (in fact my first MLB game,) so just wanted to say he won one.

2. A lot of them actually did not make playoffs. I guess it is not surprising since, unlike MVP, CYA does not go with how his team did in the season. For last 20 seasons, only 21 CYA winners (of 40) made playoffs while 32 MVPs (of 38, I was not sure of this year's winners) did.

3. For last 20 seasons, average stats of the CYA winners (other than Eric Gagne who clearly was a outlier) are:
19 NL CYA winners: 19.3W 6.3L 2.455ERA 256.8K
20 AL CYA winners: 19.9W 6.1L 2.657ERA 235.7K
Pretty impressive, right?

4. In the postseason their stats when they started are :
11 NL CYA winners: 36GS 18W 13L 2.796ERA 236K 68BB
(If we exclude Kershaw, it improves to 30GS 17W 9L 2.492ERA 189K 59BB)
10 AL CYA winners: 26GS 9W 8L 3.360ERA 176K 64BB
It is not as stellar as their regular season performance, but still solid.

5. '99 Pedro's season is arguably with the very best pitching performance and guess what: he had 0.00 ERA in the postseason as well.

In sum, I've read a lot of people writing about former CYA winners' postseason performance in total and arguing that they were just ordinary pitchers in postseason, but if we take a closer look at specific years when they actually won the CYA, they are still impressive. Duh.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Arizona Fall League

One of the websites I check on a daily basis is the LoHud Yankees Blog by Chad Jennings. There was a piece about the Arizona Fall League so I decided not only to read it, but to translate it for the Yankee fans in Korea. I haven't really followed the AFL in the past, but now that I am more interested in prospects, I'll probably pay little more attention to the AFL.

애리조나 가을리그 오늘 개막

오늘은 애리조나 가을리그의 개막일이다. 가을리그의 스탯을 너무 신뢰하는 것은 위험하지만 - 가을리그는 일반적으로 타자친화리그이며, 경험 많은 선수와 적은 선수가 뒤섞인 특이한 모습을 보이는데다가 몇몇 선수는 일년내내 뛰면서 지친 모습을 보이기도 한다 - 양키스는 팀내의 강타자 몇 명을 애리조나 사막으로 보내면서 가을리그의 박스스코어를 좀 더 관심가게 만들 것이다.

다음은 스카스데일 스콜피온스에 속한 양키스 선수 여덟명이다.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Busch Stadium

I am watching game 3 of the NLDS between Dodgers and Cardinals today. Hyun-jin Ryu is pitching a great game so far, despite the fact that this is the first game since he's back from DL with shoulder inflmmation. [edit]Cardinals won 3:1, but Dodgers have Kershaw and Greinke lined up to pitch games 4 and 5.

This June, I visited St. Louis with friends and watching the Busch Stadium on TV (and texting them about tonight's game) reminds me of the trip. I decided to share some pictures from it.

I was in St. Louis just for a half day so did not get much chance to enjoy tourist stuff, but I could easily tell the Gateway Arch seemed to be the thing in St. Louis. Signs were everywhere, and they even cut the grass on the outfield of the Busch Stadium, in the shape of the Arch.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Horsehide Trivia

I recently became a member of Society for American Baseball Research. It is very simple. you just go to sabr.org and apply for a membership. Luckily, I'm not 30 yet so I got some discount.

One good thing about being a member is that I get interesting emails. Yesterday I got one from Horsehide Trivia. They say they offer daily baseball trivia questions, but no fee, no prize, just for fun.

This was tonight's question and I was fortunate to be the first one to answer.


Q. Who was the first third baseman to be a first-round draft pick of the 1970s?

Hint: He led the PCL in batting the year after his major league debut.

Hint: His only National League home run was off Rookie of the Year Award winner Rick Sutcliffe.

Hint: He was the first ever Padre to take Sutcliffe deep.

Twint: He played for the Hanshin Tigers after his major league career.

(1976 PCL batting title: .363 for the 1976 Salt Lake City Gulls; HR off Sutcliffe 25-Jun-1979)
FCR - Geehoon Hong, Bayside, NY


I frankly have never heard of that guy but google helped me find first round draft picks of the 70's and baseball-reference made me sure that it's him.

It was fun and I just wanted to share. Hopefully I'll win some again in the future.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Number of runs in the postseason

There were four postseason games today. Exciting! What made today more exciting was that all four games were close games. Three of them were one run games and one of them went to extra innings.

I decided to answer the following question I had from few months ago: Would the average of runs scored be different in playoff games? How about the difference of runs scored in those games?

I went to baseball-reference.com, and first searched for 2014 team runs.

Okay. So there were 19761 runs scored and if we divide that number by 30 * 162, we know that each team on average scored 4.066 runs per game in 2014. How about postseason so far? Including tonight's game, 87 runs in 8 games, so each team scored 5.438 runs on average.

Clearly I want to take more samples than just 8 games, so I took a look at past 20 years of postseason (633 games.) On average, each team scored 4.212 runs in the postseason. During that time period, each team scored 4.664 runs on average in the regular season. Lower!

I put down average runs for a team in a game (number of games) by year.

 Year Regular Postseason  Year Regular Postseason
 '14 4.07 (2430) 5.44 (8)  '04 4.81 (2428) 5.19 (34)
 '13 4.17 (2431) 3.55 (38)  '03 4.73 (2430) 4.03 (38)
 '12 4.32 (2430) 3.49 (37)  '02 4.62 (2426) 5.15 (34)
 '11 4.28 (2429) 4.88 (38)  '01 4.78 (2429) 3.56 (35)
 '10 4.38 (2430) 3.63 (32)  '00 5.14 (2429) 4.15 (31)
 '09 4.61 (2430) 4.33 (30)  '99 5.08 (2428) 4.58 (31)
 '08 4.65 (2428) 4.22 (32)  '98 4.79 (2432) 3.62 (30)
 '07 4.80 (2431) 4.59 (28)  '97 4.77 (2266) 4.21 (34)
 '06 4.86 (2429) 3.80 (30)  '96 5.04 (2267) 4.20 (32)
 '05 4.59 (2431) 4.37 (30)  '95 4.85 (2017) 4.21 (34)

I colored the background for the years when teams scored more runs on average in the postseason. There were only four out of 20 as shown above.

Usually the number of runs varies significantly among teams and one can argue that playoff teams are with better offense, but they are also with better defense so number of runs does not increase in the postseason.

I believe the main reason is that in the postseason, aces get to start more often and No. 5 starters do not get much chance to pitch. I am interested to see the breakdown of number of runs scored against No. 1 starters, against No. 2 starters, and so on. I can't think of a nice way to write a query for that as of now. Maybe I can approximate it by looking at few particular teams and looking for the ratio between runs allowed by each pitcher.

Another reason I can think of is the bullpen usage. In the postseason, teams tend to use bullpen a bit differently, simply because they are playing as if there is no tomorrow. Andrew Miller who never pitched in the 6th inning since April 18th did pitch in the 6th inning against the heart of the lineup of Tigers in Game 1 for example. I didn't get to the difference of runs scored, but it would be very interesting to see (My guess is that the postseason games are tighter.)

Anyway, 10:9 game with Wainwright and Kershaw starting looks even more shocking, considering that the postseason games are with lower runs scored. Oh well, it's postseason and anything can happen in the postseason I guess.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The winner of game 1 of the ALDS..

According to ESPN Stats & Info, winners of game 1 of the ALDS have gone on to win the series 61% of the time since 1995 (23 of 38).

Obviously if you win game 1, you are more probable to win the series. For some reason, I decided to check if they made a mistake on counting.

1995: Indians won game 1, advanced. Yankees won game 1, did not advance.
1996: Orioles won game 1, advanced. Rangers won game 1, did not advance.
1997: Orioles won game 1, advanced. Yankees won game 1, did not advance.
1998: Yankees won game 1, advanced. Red Sox won game 1, did not advance.
1999: Yankees won game 1, advanced. Indians won game 1, did not advance.
2000: Mariners won game 1, advanced. Athletics won game 1, did not advance.
2001: Indians won game 1, did not advance. Athletics won game 1, did not advance.
2002: Yankees won game 1, did not advance. Twins won game 1, advanced.
2003: Twins won game 1, did not advance. Athletics won game 1, did not advance.
2004: Twins won game 1, did not advance. Red Sox won game 1, advanced.
2005: White Sox won game 1, advanced. Yankees won game 1, did not advance.
2006: Yankees won game 1, did not advance. Athletics won game 1, advanced.
2007: Red Sox won game 1, advanced. Indians won game 1, advanced.
2008: Red Sox won game 1, advanced. Rays won game 1, advanced.
2009: Yankees won game 1, advanced. Angels won game 1, advanced.
2010: Rangers won game 1, advanced. Yankees won game 1, advanced.
2011: Yankees won game 1, did not advance. Rays won game 1, did not advance.
2012: Yankees won game 1, advanced. Tigers won game 1, advanced.
2013: Red Sox won game 1, advanced. Tigers won game 1, advanced.

I count 22 of 38. Hmm..

Either 22 or 23, it seems a bit low. If each game were like a coin flop between two teams, whichever team wins game 1 then has 11/16 or 69% chance of winning the best-of-five series.

I took a closer look at 1998~2011 and 2013, years when the ALDS were 2-2-1 format. If a home team won game 1, it had 60% chance of winning the series (9 of 15) and if an away team won game 1, it had only 53% chance of winning the series (8 of 15.) I guess the small difference came from the fact that the home team of game 1 is with the better season record.

Still less than the hypothetical probability. Maybe only the winning team used their closer, maybe if you lose game 1, you get extra motivation to win other games; I remember when I was a kid, I wasn't too concerned about losing game 1 because Andy Pettitte would pitch (and win) game 2 for us. Maybe it is just an error from small sample. I'm not really sure.

This, however, may sound hopeful to Tigers and Angels who lost game 1 today. They certainly have ability to turn things around.


Out of curiosity, I searched for NLDS, surprisingly, winners of game 1 advanced 32 of 38 times (84%) since 1995.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

1st post

I've decided to try blogging. I'll probably write mostly about the Yankees and (hopefully) about some sabermetrics. We'll see how it goes.

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